Friday, August 15, 2008

Recommended Reading: 13 Ways To Ruin Your Life

When we returned home from our vacation, I went to the post office to pick up our mail from the last week. To my surprise I had a free book in the mail (this is always an exciting time). It was from a great speaker and author named Jarrod Jones. The book is entitled, 13 Ways To Ruin Your Life: A Practical Guide For Guys. This book is on how sexual sins, pornography and lust to be exact, can ruin a man's life.

I have just read the intro, but it looks to be a very promising book. It is designed not only for individual reads, but mainly for small groups of men to follow along and become open about their struggles. I am excited about reading this book, and I am already in planning mode on how I can incorporate this book into the lives of the men in my church.

Men, if we are honest, there is not a man out there who has not or who does not struggle in this area in some form. This is the primary area that the enemy tries to get a hold of us, and it is about time that we become open about it and begin to fight back. I believe that this book will be a great place to start. The author has used Proverbs 7 as his biblical focus, and if we are to follow what Christ modeled, we need to fight temptation by responding with scripture. This is exactly what Jarrod has done in this book.

More to come soon, after I finish reading the book. Check it out.

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